
Content Writing Services

Data Driven Content Writing Services Company

The best content marketing practices offered by Unified Platforms can help you generate leads, drive website traffic, and build brand awareness.


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Unified Platforms Content Writing Services

Our content marketing company handles keyword research, content strategy development, content creation, and content marketing on the backend to help you to build your brand awareness.

Below are the various content writing services we provide:

Content Strategy

Let unified platforms create a cohesive content marketing strategy that produces results. Our content strategists work with you to determine your target audience as well as the various content kinds and distribution strategies
that will allow you to share your material with them.

Content eDITING

Avoid the hassle of hiring an editor by using professional article editing services. Our proofreading team will collaborate with you to modify professionally created information to elevate the bar. Our content editors examine
the linguistic style, level of comprehension, and formatting of the work. It is possible to create blogs, reports, promotional content, and other types of specialized content.


Google Ads Copywriting

Use Google Ads to grow your business (formerly known as Google AdWords). The Google Ads management services offered by Unified Platforms Copywriting are focused on results.

Blog/Article Content

Get informative blogs and articles that will attract your audience. Unified Platforms has got a set of enthusiastic and passionate writers who help you reach out to your audience with interesting articles/blogs.

Website Content

With Unified Platforms, you can receive first-rate content for your website and establish connections with skilled content writers.


Product Description

We offer writing services for product descriptions to answer any queries a potential consumer may have. We offer descriptions that do more than just list your products.

Contact our content strategist to understand what type of content works for your business to stand out in this competitive business world 

Social Media Post copywriting

We provide the best social media copywriting. To get the desired outcomes, your text will be interesting, gripping, and well designed.

Youtube/Reels Script Content

Unified Platforms offers a team of experienced and skilled video script writers who can help you create unique, engaging, and high-quality screenplays for your YouTube channels.

Caption Writing

Caption writers are a creative source of knowledge who contribute fresh information. Captions are just as important as any other narrative. Unified Platforms help you get the best captions for your business.

Memo Writing

Our custom memo-writing service ensures that your wording is unique, professional, and error-free. Use our expertly crafted memos to get your message across to your audience.

Thought Leadership Content for Linkedin and Twitter

Thought leadership is an essential component of any excellent content marketing strategy. With Unified Platforms, establish yourself or your brand as a thought leader in your field by utilizing Twitter creator-based tools.

Newsletter Content

Content Newsletter Writing Services from Unified Platform provide customized plans to fascinate your audience. Our professional newsletter writing services employ industry-specific writers who provide content customized to
your target group.

Infographics Content

Infographics are an important component of well-written content since they increase its overall attractiveness. Unified Platforms produces high-quality infographics by combining text, animation, and images.

Transactional SMS & Email Content

Transactional SMS is a type of automated text message that a business or organization delivers to its customers or users to communicate important information. Unified Platforms let you write clear, professional everyday emails.

Presentation Content

Our PowerPoint presentation designers are experts in creating significant and attention-grabbing slides. They ensure amazing designs and unique content to create informative and interactive presentations.

Company profile Content

Our talented writers recognise the value of content and provide high-quality business profile articles. Our professional company profile writers may select relevant facts and create articles that are succinct, up-to-date,
and appealing to stakeholders and customers.


Wikipedia profile Content

We provide the best Wikipedia page writing services: Our wiki writers are exceptionally skilled and have years of expertise in writing and editing wiki content.

How We do it:

With the use of customized content marketing strategies, Unified Platforms help you stay up to date with market trends and rank higher to boost ROI.


Website/Your Business Analysis

Unified platforms monitor your website’s and company’s needs and assist you in filling content marketing gaps. We provide in-depth business analysis to identify optimal content marketing solutions that will satisfy your company’s
marketing and ROI goals. Unified platforms provide the best web content writing services.


Competitors Analysis

The advanced competition research provided by Unified Platforms uses insights to examine and locate flexible content marketing solutions. At united platforms, we assist businesses in evaluating or analyzing competitors’ content
marketing tactics in order to outperform and stand out.

Industry Analysis

Unified Platforms provides comprehensive industry analysis services, such as investigations into industry size, customer behavior, technological improvements, content marketing techniques, and demographic trends. This allows
you to better comprehend the possibilities of your company’s products and services. The present state of the industry and its target markets must be thoroughly covered in your plan.






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Why Choose Unified Platforms Content Writing Services

Unified Platform is the regarded top content writing services company for the quality of the work that they deliver. If you are looking for premium content writing services, Unified Platforms offers the best yet affordable content
writing services.

Unified Platforms indeed is one of the highly professional content marketing services company, and it stands as one of the best content marketing service companies for the attributes mentioned below:

Team of Content Writing Experts

Meet our team of content marketing professionals! We are a multi-faceted content marketing team with over * years of combined experience.

Data Driven Approach

We believe that the use of data-driven content marketing strategies help revolutionize your business. Therefore, at Unified Platforms we follow a data driven approach for content curation.

Laser Focused Solution

At Unified Platforms, we strive to target your marketing content to a narrow niche. By closely monitoring your marketing priorities, keeping your goals clear, and removing obstacles in your path, you’ll be sure to meet your
income targets.

Exceptional Reliability

Exceptional reliability is one of unified Platforms’ strongest assets. We firmly believe in providing our consumers with excellent services, and we grow as they do through us.

Full Transparency

Complete transparency is one of the unified platforms’ biggest benefits. We genuinely believe in providing our consumers with transparency and loyalty services, and we grow as a result of their success.

Proven Results

We value our clients and provide them with content marketing services that help them achieve their goals. Credible outcomes are displayed by unified platforms. We are adamant about giving the best services to our clients.
Unified Platforms assure you content marketing services.

Infinite leverage

Unified Platforms is one of the best content writing service providers as it helps businesses boost their conversion rates. With focused content marketing techniques, it assists you in staying current with market trends and
ranking higher to increase your ROI.

Increase Conversion Rate:

Unified platforms help businesses grow their customer base. We help you with the best content marketing techniques for your website so you can increase customer service and business growth.

Increase Paying Customer Base

Unified platforms assist firms in expanding their customer base. We assist you in determining the finest content marketing tactics for your website in order to improve customer service and business growth.

Extensive Reporting:

Unified platforms help businesses with extensive reporting. These reports are an overview of the content marketing data that shows how well your site is doing. Reports usually include information on things like overall organic
traffic, conversions, backlinks, and the technical health of websites. We provide weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and yearly reports accordingly. 

Access to Experience Content Writer

At Unified Platforms you can connect with highly skilled and experienced content writers and acquire high-quality professional writing services for your website.

Top Reasons why your Business needs Content Writing Services

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at mei dolore tritani repudiandae. In his nemore temporibus consequuntur, vim ad prima vivendum consetetur.

Discovering Brand in an Internet

Brand development requires content marketing, and brand recognition necessitates business expansion. Content marketing increases visitors and leads. Improved social network performance leads to increased engagement. As a
result, your company requires content marketing services.

Reach Potential Customers

Content Marketing should be your primary priority, whether you are a new or veteran business owner. Content marketing promotes website traffic, which increases visits and sales. It enables you to reach your intended audience.

Educating about your product

Content marketing helps you achieve brand awareness. Content marketing assists you to help your audience learn about your products and services.

User Engagement & Conversion

All effective websites have high user engagement rates. The perfect combination of Content Marketing tactics can improve your website’s user engagement and conversion rates.

Builds Trust & Credibility

Content marketing will drive more “targeted” traffic to your website than any other marketing method you’ll ever employ, resulting in more clients for your company.

Improving Buying Cycle

Content marketing can give huge returns on a tiny investment by quietly increasing income and optimizing your buying cycle. Hiring a content marketing company will help you increase your visibility and make it easier for
potential clients to locate solutions and firms that offer them.

Improving business health & Sustainability

You can boost the visibility of your company and attract a larger audience by using the right content marketing methods. Using best practices in content marketing can result in increased organic traffic and brand exposure,
which can help you improve your business’s sustainability.

Rank Higher in SERP:

Higher-quality content can assist you in ranking well. Creating high-quality content requires designing pages that increase time on page, reduce bounce rate, and provide meaningful content to the user. Google’s growing emphasis
on user experience indicators such as click-through rate exemplifies this.

Industry We Serve 

Unified Platforms has so far offered its services to various industries/domains/businesses across the globe. We offer services across all domains, if you are looking for affordable unique Content writing services or any other Digital
Marketing services there is no better choice than Unified Platforms.






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Frequently asked questions

What is Content Writing?

Content writing, which entails developing, producing, and revising web content, is frequently carried out to achieve digital marketing objectives. Writing blog posts and articles, scripts for movies and podcasts, and
content for blogs and websites are all examples of creating content for specific platforms, such as tweetstorms on Twitter or text posts on Reddit.

What is Content Marketing?

Marketers may attract, hold the attention of, and retain their target consumers by creating and spreading useful content in the form of articles, videos, podcasts, and other media. This tactic creates competence, raises
brand recognition, and keeps your business at the top of customers’ minds when it comes time to buy what you sell.

What are the main differences in content writing and content marketing?

Content writing is the process of creating content to further your content marketing objectives. Producing valuable, high-quality content that the content marketer may use in their content marketing strategy is the
goal of a content writer. Therefore, content writing requires content marketing.

What is high quality content ?

Your material’s quality is determined by how successfully it achieves its goal (s). It makes reference to the depth of information and wisdom that may be discovered in a certain body of work. Beyond information, formatting,
readability, and grammatical correctness are other factors in content quality.

Why is high quality content writing is Important for your business?

If you want to attract and impress an audience, your content must be of the highest quality available. Quality content will help to engage and entice your audience to take the next step, which could be visiting your
website, reserving your services, or purchasing your product. As a content writer, your final sales pitch is the quality of your article.

Why is Content the King?

Content is king because it allows you to provide your audience with original content. Giving them the same old information that they can get from anyone will not be in your best interest. Your audience might be astounded
by the innovative knowledge you give them. For this, you need to do research and understand your audience.

Why Content writing plays a crucial role in SEO and organic traffic growth?

Blogs, articles, news pieces, and other sorts of information are curated by SEO content writers based on a keyword related to the blog’s title. A writer who uses the focus key at maximum density may catapult their work
to the top of search engine results pages. Your content must be optimized for both search engines and people. Content marketing also covers content writing and editing services. One of the most crucial KPIs to consider
if you want to reach your SEO goals is content curation.

How Does Content Writing Work?

Content writing is the process of creating high-quality, informative articles about a given topic. Content writing is the process of creating, authoring, and editing web content for digital marketing purposes. Content
writers use their imagination and strategic planning to create and edit high-quality content to promote the company’s products and services.

What is content writing Service

Content writing is the process of creating, editing, and publishing content in a digital format.

Blog articles, scripts for videos or podcasts, ebooks or whitepapers, press releases, descriptions of specific product categories, copy for landing sites or social media postings, and other types of content are examples
of how this might be done.

Content producers are, in simplest terms, the brand’s storytellers. They offer important, useful, and insightful suggestions to compel and inspire an audience to take action—in this case, to make a final purchase.

What is a Content writing company

Businesses, organizations, or groups of writers who specialize in writing content for websites, marketing materials, white papers, research articles, editing and proofreading services, infographics, social media content,
press releases, product descriptions, and other types of writing are known as content writing services. Seeking the best content writing service company will help you achieve your content marketing goals.

What does a Content writing company do?

A content writing agency is a company that hires freelance or full-time writers to develop high-quality content for your website. Content writing services are businesses, organizations, or groups of writers who provide
services such as website blog writing, web content writing, marketing material content, white papers, research articles, proofreading services, infographic content, social media content, press releases, product descriptions,
copywriting, and many more.

Why hire a Content writing company?

Professional content writing services are required if you want to position yourself as an industry leader. Professional content writers optimize your content for search engines. They can help your website reach the
top of Google. And help you persuade all of that beautiful new traffic to hire you. Providing continuous content is one of the most common and beneficial techniques for enhancing SEO (search engine optimization).
You can opt for D2C or B2B content writing services considering your specifications.

How to choose right content writing company for your business

A business may benefit from having an outside perspective by working with a content writing firm. Businesses that want to expand must choose content writing companies carefully in order to partner with them. Here, we
present seven fundamental standards for choosing a content writing service that will promote fruitful cooperation.

Which is the best Content writing company in India?

There are several content writing companies in India. If you are looking for the best one, choose a company that offers premium content writing services and has established credibility in the market.

How much does Content writing service cost?

Depending on experience and expertise, the cost ranges from 50,000 to 95,000. You would pay a typical article writer between $15,000 and 20,000. Everything depends on the content writer you want to hire and the amount
of labor required to produce the piece you want.

10 reasons why your business needs content writing?

  • Create Trust
  • Boost Awareness
  • Excellent For SEO
  • generates leads
  • Locate the perfect match
  • The value of user experience: increased traffic and conversion
  • publicize your work
  • Make readers want more and feel devoted.
  • Establish authority
  • Repurpose

What is the role of content writing in a company?

Content Writers in a corporation provide compelling written pieces for digital and print media for marketing agencies and in-house advertising teams. The content writer’s tasks include analyzing analytics to alter content
as needed, updating the company’s website on a regular basis, and advertising the content.

When to tell whether your Content writing company is working for you

The quality of the content brings the traffic for you. High quality content looks informative and innovative. You will also find it plagiarized free. You can also define the quality of the content based on the set of
keywords used.

What is Content Marketing in software company

Content marketing could be a successful lead-generation strategy for software companies. A strong content strategy may help software companies connect with potential clients and convert leads into sales.

Software companies may be hesitant to adopt a thorough content marketing strategy because they think the procedures needed to produce different types of content are too dissimilar from those used to develop and sell
software. Or, software companies might think that creating a content marketing plan will take time away from working to boost their bottom line. Both claims are untrue—even the most technologically advanced software
companies would lose out on leads and conversions without a carefully defined content strategy

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