
Most Popular Programming Languages in 2022

Introduction to programming languages

A programming language is a method of communication that humans use to tell computers how to execute specific jobs. These languages produce programs that do specific tasks using a particular coding syntax. Programming software is a lucrative professional path. According to the poll, programming positions will grow by 21% by 2028. According to Wikipedia, there are approximately 700 programming languages. As a result, picking which one to learn can be difficult.

Using the best programming languages to develop your product allows you to create the most dependable and efficient software for your consumers or business. Technology, programming languages, and software tools, on the other hand, tend to evolve, update, or develop with time. The sole requirement is to stay on track with this trail, so you don’t lose out on the most recent and effective ones. 

Choosing which languages to learn is one of the most challenging decisions for anyone who wants to pursue a career in programming. With so many languages being utilized for various purposes, deciding which one to study will be based on your interests and career needs. Coding Nomads, a programming training website, produced research on Tuesday that looks at the “best” programming languages for 2022.

New programming language upgrades are constantly added, causing confusion. But don’t worry, we’ll help you out. We’ve compiled a list of programming languages after considering career perspectives, future demands, business requirements, and features of various programming languages. The top programming languages to learn in 2022 will be discussed in this blog. So, let’s get started.

Why is programming necessary?

You don’t want to squander your precious time. However, if you’re going to devote the time and effort required to learning new programming languages, you’ll want to ensure that the languages you choose are the most in-demand.

After all, you’ll need to be at the head of the class if you want to start (or advance) a career in software development. So, first, you’ll need to figure out which programming languages are popular, helpful, and upcoming on the market, and then set aside time to master them.

Don’t know where to begin? Don’t worry; we’ve already done the legwork for you by analyzing developer and industry data over the last few years to discover patterns and create findings that can aid your programming education planning. This article will walk you through the  most popular programming languages and give you some tips on learning them.

But first, let’s go over how we came up with this list in the first place. We had two key research questions when we sat down to figure out what the most in-demand programming languages for 2022 may be:

Which languages are now in demand? Which ones are gaining traction and will be in high demand soon?

You’ve probably figured out why we asked the first question. While following trends isn’t always the most effective approach to determining which languages to prioritize, the popularity of a language can suggest its commercial importance. So, here’s a basic rule of thumb: the more popular or widely used a language is, the more likely a developer (i.e., you!) will encounter it at work.

Then we looked at which abilities are likely to become the most in-demand programming languages in the future. To do so, we looked over developer polls from the last two years on Stack 

Overflow and focused on:

The languages that developers say they use and intend to employ in the future

The languages that developers are interested in but have not yet used.

By examining these trends, we hoped to gain a better understanding of which languages will become popular in the coming years.

Let’s have a quick overview of the most popular programming languages in the industry as below 


Java continues to reign highest in the “Programming Languages” rankings. Since its inception in 1995 by James Gosling, Java has completed 22 years, the most recent being Java11 on September 25, 2018.

Platform independence, scalability, security, and other aspects are conceivable in the long run. Java inherits C/object C++’s orientation, variables, data types, and syntax that C++ influences.

Java’s success stems from its platform independence, which allows it to run on various machines, including Macintosh, Windows, Unix, Linux, and even mainframes and mobile phones, as long as they have the JVM installed.

Even Java code developed 15 years ago may be converted to run on the most recent JVM. Another significant trait is that it is inherently object-oriented, making Java robust because Java objects do not contain any external data references.


Python is a high-level interpreted computer language for general programming. In 1991, it was released. Python was created with the goal of maximizing code readability and the usability of whitespaces. Its main features include dynamic type, automatic memory management, support for different programming paradigms (PO, Functional, Procedural), and a huge complete library of its own.

Python interpreters are available for a variety of operating systems, and the software is free and open source. It is the fourth most popular language (after Java, C, and C++) as of January 2018. According to a recent study, scripting languages are more productive than traditional languages.

Python is a scripting language for online applications that may be incorporated in many software products, employed in various Artificial Intelligence projects, and used in the Information Security field.


Swift is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose compiled programming language created by Apple Inc. for iOS, macOS, and Cocoa frameworks. It makes use of the Objective C runtime library, which allows C and C++ to coexist in the same application.

Swift includes core concepts such as dynamic dispatch, late binding, and extensible programming, as well as fixes for issues such as null pointer de-referencing, protocol support, extensions, struts, and classes. In 2015-2016, Swift took the top spot as the most popular programming language.

OS and iOS programs are written in Objective C, which is a superset of C.

Swift has been dubbed as “Objective C without the C.” It is an effective alternative for developing mobile projects because of its readability, maintenance, safer platform, less code, less legacy, speed, support for dynamic libraries, interactive coding, open-source, and other advantages.


Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that can be compiled into JS Source and runs on the JVM. Google’s Android operating system is fully supported.

One of Kotlin’s main goals is to compile as quickly as Java. The key innovation of Kotlin’s recent release was code sharing between the JVM and JavaScript platforms.

Kotlin is intended to be an object-oriented programming language that is fully compatible with Java code. With the help of its functionalities, it also allows procedural programming. Some of the characteristics that speed up the development process are null pointer safety, extension functions, infix notation, full Java compatibility, and good IDE support.

The Kotlin library aids in the development of Android user interface applications. It comes with an interactive shell and may be used to write scripts. Google formally launched Kotlin as an Android programming language. In addition to Java and C++, it is the third fully supported language for Android.


The C programming language is the most widely used and oldest. C is a structured programming language that is general-purpose and imperative. It was created between 1969 and 1973 by Dennis Ritchie.

It’s made to be compiled with a compiler, with low-level memory access, an efficient mapping to machine instructions, and minimum runtime support. Some of its standout qualities are mobility and the flexibility to work with any embedded system.

It is a Universal Language because it is a portable assembly language that precisely suits the operating systems and has a short runtime.


Bjarne Stroustrup created C with Classes, the forerunner to C+++, in 1979. C++ is a computer language that can be used for various purposes. It offers features for imperative, object-oriented, and generic programming.

Some of the design highlights are system programming, the flexibility of usage, embedded resource constraints, and performance efficiency with huge systems.

C++ is a compiled language with implementations on a variety of platforms. C++ has impacted other versions of programming languages such as Java, C#, D, and so on.

Classes, derived classes, strong typing, in the lining, and default arguments were all added to the C compiler as part of C with Classes. Virtual functions, operator overloading, references, constants, type-safe, memory-allocation, enhanced type-checking, and a stand-alone compiler were added to it, and it was called C++.

Direct mapping of hardware features and zero-overhead abstractions based on those mappings are two of its primary components. Despite the fact that C++ is considered a superset of C, this is not the case.

Let us investigate popular programming languages application wise 

  1. Popular Programming languages for Web development


JavaScript is without a doubt the King of online development and the most popular language among web developers. It’s also the only language that allows you to construct both frontend and backend web applications, as well as mobile apps (React Native).

Javascript’s strength is not just that it can run on both the browser and the server using Node js but also that it provides fantastic frameworks and libraries for web and app development.

For example, you may create cross-platform (Android and iOS) mobile apps using React.js and Angular on the frontend, Nodejs on the backend, and React Native on the backend.


Python is yet another language that has exploded in popularity in the last year. While it isn’t particularly new and has stood the test of time, it is now the most versatile programming language.

Python is a programming language that can be used for web development, data science, scripting, and automation. Python, like JavaScript, has a large community and a number of valuable frameworks, libraries, and tools that can help you quickly construct a web application.

Django, for example, may be used to build full-stack online applications. You can also utilize Flask, a lightweight web development framework if you want more control.

Python is also a wonderful programming language for learning to code. If you’re new to the software development field, Python can be a terrific place to start, not just for web development but also for a programming career.


My personal choice and current programming language for web development are TypeScripts. TypeScript, like C and C++, can be thought of as JavaScript++. However, it isn’t as well-known as C++.

The beautiful thing about TypeScript is that it adds type-safety to JavaScript code, allowing you to catch ugly JavaScript type-related problems during development.

It also makes object-oriented building code for JavaScript simple, and TypeScript’s built-in debugging tools make web development a breeze.


PHP is the best programming languages for web development in 2022. It is one of the best programming languages for building web apps.

It’s a dynamic, server-side scripting language that makes building working web apps incredibly simple. If that wasn’t enough, PHP is responsible for half of the internet; recall, WordPress, the most popular online application software, is written in PHP.

Laraval is a PHP framework that is both powerful and allows you to quickly construct web applications utilizing the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

  1. Popular Programming languages for IOS development


Regardless of how new you are to the world of iOS app development, there’s a good chance that Swift will be your answer to the question we’re answering. It is one of the most popular programming languages for creating iOS apps in the future.

Swift, which was released in 2014, has grown in popularity as one of the most popular coding apps for iPhone programming languages. Swift was recognized as the 11th most popular language in the Tiobe index for 2020, with nearly three times as many votes as before.

Swift is a general-purpose programming language that is used to create high-quality native iOS apps. It’s made to work with frameworks such as Cocoa Touch and Cocoa.

Scalability, interoperability (particularly with Objective-C), open-source, and rapid development are its greatest advantages. Swift app development also features ARC and enables data security throughout development (Automatic memory arc).


This app programming language, which predates Swift, was created as an extension of the object-oriented programming language C, with similar capabilities. It was developed in 1984 and is now a general-purpose programming language that is still compatible with Mac OS and iOS. Before Swift, it was the primary iOS coding language.

In terms of readability, coding, execution time, code maintenance, and so on, there has always been a comparison between Objective C and Swift.

However, it has a number of drawbacks that will make it obsolete as an iOS programming language by 2021.

It’s difficult to learn because it’s not an open-source language. Its popularity is also hampered by security vulnerabilities, limited functionality, and a lack of updates.

On the other hand, it is frequently seen as a mature and stable language.


Flutter is a popular coding language for apps that was developed by Google in 2015 and formally launched in 2017. It’s an open-source development kit that can be used to make programs for iOS, Android, Mac, Linux, Windows, and Google Fuchsia, among other platforms.

Flutter allows developers to construct aesthetically pleasing and intuitive cross-platform apps, which is why both Android and iOS developers are interested in it. However, this has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Some of them include that it is very costly and time-efficient, that it allows full customization, that it has widgets, and that it is an open-source language; nonetheless, it still has a small and inexperienced talent pool.


C# is a high-level, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft as a response to Java. It is, in fact, one of the most wanted programming languages, and it is comparable to Microsoft app creation as Objective-C is to Apple app development.

Furthermore, according to a Stack Overflow survey, C# is regarded as one of the most flexible coding languages in the world, ranking fifth in the Tiobe August 2021 index.

C# is an open-source language that makes iOS mobile app development for intermediate to advanced level developers relatively easier. It also has a large talent pool, facilitates cross-platform app development, has a large library, and is more cost-effective and easier to integrate than other coding languages. It does, however, have certain drawbacks, such as a bad platform GUI and the fact that it is tough to master for beginners.


App developers utilized it in conjunction with JavaScript and CSS as an iOS app development language. HTML5 is used by over 88.5 percent of all websites, according to W3techs.

Hybrid apps, while not as popular as native apps, nonetheless offer excellent browser control and employ a combination of HTML5 and CSS to render content.

Multiplatform compatibility, outstanding cost-effectiveness, consistency across multiple browsers, offline surfing, and even a decent page ranking is among its benefits. However, there are certain drawbacks, such as the fact that it only works for hybrid app development, has limited functionality, and can cause design responsiveness issues.

      3.Programming languages for data science


Python is the most popular programming language among data scientists, as previously stated. This is due to its diverse range of applications. It’s frequently the first pick for a variety of tasks in fields including machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and other popular forms of technology.

Python’s rich data science libraries make these jobs much easier. Keras, Scikit-Learn, matplotlib, and TensorFlow are some of the most popular libraries.

Python can also help with critical activities like data collection, analysis, modelling, and visualization, which are all crucial aspects of working with big data.

When you use Python, you will never be left in the dark. This language has a strong support community, which is another reason it is one of the most important data science tools.

Python is well suited for automating tasks. In data science, automating processes is incredibly beneficial because it saves time and provides useful data.


The most popular programming language to learn is JavaScript. Because of its capacity to create complex and dynamic web pages, it is most typically used for web development. It does, however, have a place in the field of data science. JavaScript is a good choice for building visualizations, which are a great way to communicate large amounts of data.

While JavaScript is a fantastic language to learn, it is more of a data science tool than a primary language. Because of its popularity and versatility, we still advocate learning JavaScript alongside other languages.

JavaScript is most commonly used in web development.


R is swiftly becoming one of the most popular data science programming languages, and for a good reason. R is a highly versatile and simple-to-learn programming language that encourages a statistical computing and graphics environment.

R is an excellent choice for data science, big data, and machine learning because of all of this.

R is a scripting language with a lot of capability. As a result, R is capable of handling huge and complex data sets. This, paired with the fact that it has a rapidly developing community, makes it a top choice for budding data scientists.

R is most used in the field of data science. When doing statistical operations, it is extremely useful.


SQL is a crucial language to master if you want to be a successful data scientist. It’s crucial because a data scientist needs SQL to work with structured data. SQL provides access to data and statistics, making it a valuable tool for data science.

Data science necessitates the use of a database, which necessitates the use of a database language such as SQL. To query databases, anyone working with big data will need a strong understanding of SQL.

SQL is the most extensively used programming language for relational databases and is the industry standard.

        4.Programming languages for AI and ML 


Oracle’s Java is one of the most powerful programming languages accessible. This language has evolved over time to reflect the most recent developments and technological advancements. The same can be said for artificial intelligence. When it comes to AI development, Java can help you create scalable apps.

Java is ideal for AI development because it is simple to use and debug, and it simplifies large-scale projects. You can use graphics to illustrate the data and improve user interaction.

The Virtual Machine Technology in Java allows developers to create a single version of an app that can operate on several Java platforms. With the Standard Widget Toolkit, developers can improve the aesthetics and interfaces to make them more appealing. Overall, Java makes it easier to manage, port, and protect AI programs.


Julia does not have a strong community or support, but it does have a lot of high-end capabilities for AI development. Julia is the best development tool for dealing with data analysis and numbers.

Julia equips you with the tools you need to create a dynamic interface, eye-catching graphics, and data visualizations. This language makes AI creation a snap with capabilities like debugging, memory management, and metaprogramming.

Julia is the finest choice for machine learning AI projects. Meta head, MLJ.JL, Turing.JL, and Flux.JL are just a few of the packages included.


One of the oldest languages for AI development in Lisp. It was created in the 1960s, and it has always been a flexible and intelligent language. Lisp is the language to use if your project demands code modification, issue solving, rapid prototyping, or dynamic development.

Routine, Grammarly, and DART are examples of successful Lisp projects. Lisp is a potential programming language for AI development, despite its disadvantages.


Programming in Logic is abbreviated as Prolog. In 1972, a rule-based version of the language was created. It is mostly utilized in computational linguistics and artificial intelligence applications. Prolog is the ideal choice for applications that require a database, natural language processing, and symbolic reasoning. When it comes to artificial intelligence research, it is the perfect language assistance.

Prolog is currently underutilized for automated planning, theorem proving, and expert and type systems. It is, nevertheless, used in the development of several high-end NLP systems and by industry heavyweights such as IBM Watson.

          5.Programming languages for blockchain


Solidity is a blockchain programming language that was created for writing smart contracts that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. It is one of the fastest growing blockchain programming languages (EVM). It is a novel and easy programming language that is popular among Ethereum developers since it is used to create Ethereum smart contracts. Solidity is a Turing-complete contract-oriented programming language with a community of over 200,000 developers.


Vyper is a brand-new Blockchain programming language based on Python 3. Even though Vyper does not contain all of Python’s features, the Vyper syntax is legitimate Python 3 syntax. Vyper was intended as a replacement for Solidity. It, like Solidity, is commonly used for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Vyper, on the other hand, has a different control structure than Solidity and tackles security issues differently as well.


This language, often known as Go, is a Google-developed statically typed, compiled computer language. It was created by combining the convenience of writing code with the efficiency of a compiled language. This language is also highly complex and difficult to master, particularly for JavaScript and Python programmers. C++ programmers will find this language to be more user-friendly. Many blockchain projects, including Hyperledger Fabric and Go-Ethereum, have used this application.


Simplicity is a smart contract specific high-level Blockchain development language. For both professional programmers and open-source developers, it is one of the best programming languages for writing smart contracts. Simplicity is also concerned with lowering the Bitcoin Script’s complexity and low-level understanding.

       6.Programming languages for hacking


The C programming hacking language is the holy grail of current programming languages. So it should come as no surprise that C programming is being utilized to hack the security industry. When it comes to accessing low-level hardware components like RAM, its low-level nature gives it an advantage over other programming languages. Many security specialists use the C programming language to handle the server’s hardware and resources at a lower level. Penetration testers can also use it to develop lightning-fast socket programming scripts.


The abbreviation SQL stands for Structured Query Language. Among ethical hackers, this is the most used hacking programming language. An ethical hacker can use this to extract information from databases. SQL is viewed as the best technique for breaking into business databases because most web-based software keeps private information such as user passwords in some sort of data. You won’t be able to fight against database attacks unless and until you completely understand the Structured Query Language.


PHP is a server-side programming language for developing web pages. Understanding PHP will help online hackers put their site hacking strategies into perspective.

PHP is a computer language that runs on a server. You can use PHP to build a custom application that alters a web server and makes it vulnerable to attacks.

PHP, one of the most powerful server languages, is used by most web domains. Knowing PHP can assist you in fending off malicious attempts. Because PHP is the foundation of many popular content management systems, it may be used to protect or corrupt websites.


This is frequently regarded as the de-facto hacking language. Python is expected to be the best programming language for hacking in 2020. This is how ethical hackers program their on-demand hacking programs. When appropriately used, Python can do almost anything, from verifying the integrity of business systems to automating the bulk of hacking programs.

        7.Programming languages for cyber security

For many years, Ruby hackers have utilized Ruby, a web-oriented language with a syntax comparable to Python. Ruby is a simple language to learn. It is an excellent first language. Ruby includes capabilities for securely storing passwords in the form of a hash. Ruby, unlike most other programming languages, offers object-oriented, procedural, and functional programming. The language can solve complex mathematical issues because it supports rational and complex integers.


PowerShell is used for task automation and configuration management. Windows operating systems come with PowerShell pre-installed. It’s not always easy to tell the difference between valid PowerShell code and malicious PowerShell code. Malware written in PowerShell is getting more common, and it’s a useful cyber security programming language to master if you’ll be working with Windows.

        8.Programming languages for Cloud Computing 

Rails is a Ruby on Rails framework. Beginners, on the other hand, require a wide range of programming languages. These programming languages offer the ideal combination of functionality, usability, and dependability. Ruby has a lot to offer in terms of this and much more. It is one of the cloud computing programming languages that come with a wide range of benefits due to its extensive ecosystem.


Node.js should be considered by everyone looking for a fast and scalable cloud programming language. This language is simple to use and highly effective in the construction of end-to-end applications. It is possible to use a non-blocking, evented, asynchronous communication paradigm. Applications may now handle many connections. Because it uses the Google JS engine, this language is exceptionally quick. As a result, it is favored by many current developers.

       9.Popular programming languages for search engines


Python is often regarded as the programming language of the future. According to the most recent figures, Python is the primary coding language used by about 80% of developers. Python’s vast libraries make artificial intelligence, data science, and machine learning operations easier. Python is now popular and might be considered the King of programming languages. As a result, knowing this programming language in 2022 will ensure your success and development.


Kotlin is a cross-platform programming language for creating mobile applications. It is utilized by almost 60% of Android developers. In addition, Kotlin is ranked fourth among the fastest-growing programming languages by multiple reputable indices. The following are some of Kotlin’s most notable features:

Structured concurrency and concise code.

Enhancements to security.

When compared to Java, coding takes about 20% less time.

It is completely interoperable.

Pinterest, Uber, Trello, Amazon, and other companies use Kotlin.

So, if you want to start a career in Android app development, learning Kotlin in 2022 is the best decision you can make.

         10.Best Programming languages for Database management


It is a standard programming language that is well-known among developers for database creation. SQL is a widely used database server that is noted for its scalability and reliability, as well as its queries, expressions, and statements. The disadvantage of SQL is its design and interoperability with only a few pieces of software. It may, however, be used for both small and large datasets, making it an excellent choice. However, because of the portability, a new Database Administrator may find it challenging to learn SQL fundamentals.


PHP is a well-known programming language for creating dynamic and complicated websites. It also has a robust database connection. Developers may easily utilize PHP as a server-side scripting language to create a database and build strong connectivity for writing, storing, and retrieving data. WordPress, one of the most popular content management systems, is also built with PHP, which simplifies database construction.


Python is a general-purpose programming language that may be used for various tasks, including database management, system administration, and integration using plug-in functionality and frameworks. It can assist with data visualization, data analysis, storage, increased support, reduced development time, and increased assistance.


The programming languages listed above are only intended to give you an idea of what works best in the field of software development. In the near future, there will be changes! As a result, it’s critical that you stay current with latest trends. Joining online communities where you can network with other developers and learn about what’s going on in the world might be beneficial.


1. Why is Python so popular?

Ans. Python is the most popular programming language among data scientists, as previously stated. This is due to its diverse range of applications. It’s frequently the first pick for a variety of tasks in fields including machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and other popular forms of technology.

Python’s rich data science libraries make these jobs much easier. Keras, Scikit-Learn, matplotlib, and TensorFlow are some of the most popular libraries.

Python can also help with critical activities like data collection, analysis, modelling, and visualization, which are all crucial aspects of working with big data.

When you use Python, you will never be left in the dark. This language has a strong support community, so it is one of the most critical data science tools.

2. What programming language do jobs look for?

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three languages that make up the internet. Libraries like React and jQuery, as well as frameworks like Angular, can help you address some of the web’s most challenging problems. JavaScript is one of the simpler programming languages to learn since it is beginner-friendly, and you don’t need a compiler to see it in action and see results right away.


C is a general-purpose programming language that most programmers learn before moving on to a more complicated language. C was used to create most of the today’s software, including Unix, Windows, and Photoshop. It’s simple to learn because the syntax is only 32 keywords long, and the data structures are straightforward.


Python is a high-level programming language that is utilized by web developers, data scientists, machine learning/artificial intelligence experts, and embedded application developers. It’s simple to learn because the language places a premium on code readability and includes several libraries for various applications.

3. What is the hardest programming language?

Ans. The first Malbolge program took at least two years to write, making it the most difficult programming language. It’s challenging since it employs a mysterious notation and is a self-modifying language that leads to chaotic behaviour.

4. Which is the easiest programming language?

Java is a general-purpose programming language that is based on classes and is object-oriented. It’s built-in such a way that you can write it once and execute it anywhere. As a result, it is one of the most widely used languages among backend developers and security software. It’s simple to learn because it’s a regimented language with limited space for error.

Meta Description:

Almost every  firm needs to be technologically transformed today. As a result, it’s challenging to envision modernity without the software we create to improve every new sector. While the software development industry is evolving steadily, it’s vital to keep up with the latest developments and be knowledgeable of the most popular coding languages and development trends in 2022. You inquire as to why you require it. Neglecting these new coding languages or technologies renders your product or business obsolete and uncompetitive in the market.

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